Luz Helena Selazar - Female Specialty Coffee Colombian farmer!

With over 20-years experience growing coffee, Luz Helena now has a team of specialists who have learnt to make the most of their land to grow and process specialty coffee.  Her husband, Jairo Arcila is another heavy weight in the specialty coffee industry and collectively their knowledge and farms produce some of the best coffee in Colombia.

This coffee is processed at the processing station La Pradera, where we stayed in our origin trip to Colombia.  The farm is blessed with rich volcanic ash soil.  After floating and hand sorting this coffee undergoes a 30-hour underwater fermentation process and then gently washed and dried under controlled conditions.

As a coffee roaster, we’ve roasted this bean to bring out the most of its natural flavours.  This specialty coffee has been roasted light to suit mainly filter style brew methods.  

😋 Flavour Notes:

A sweet vibrant coffee with flavours of tangerine, orange fruits, honey, spice and a crisp green acidity.

✍️ Recipe:

Filter Brew Ratio: 1:14
Brew Time: Less than 2-minutes (depending on brew method).
This means that for every gram of ground coffee added into the filter there is 15 grams of hot water.  Still stuck?  Check out this video to learn about applying brew ratios here.

Our recipes are designed as templates for starting points and do vary depending on many other variables including personal preferences in particular.

Where it’s from: 

Colombia, Quindio, Armenia, Maracay.  

Farmer: Luz Helena Salazar.

Variety: Caturra.

Altitude: 1,400 - 1,450 MASL

Process: Washed.

Colombia Caturra, Luz Helena Salazar - Washed

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sueanne Clifton
Colombian flavor Luz Helena

Best flavor of all times can taste all the notes
Yummy drink any time of the day

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